Studiluxde Expands Service

Studiluxde Expands Service the content information for students expanded leaflets, application forms, instructions, and a contact form – the BAfoG on Munich with the support of the Federal Ministry for education and research to study finance under the Federal Education Assistance Act (BAfoG). According to a press release published on 15 August 2008, the Federal Statistical Office 806.000 people purchased in 2007 BAfoG. Of were approximately 312,000 students and 494.000 students. While the number of those who received the maximum amount of funding in comparison to the year 2006 has increased, the number of those who were a promotion of part of, is dropped. Overall the number of BAfoG recipients has decreased compared with the previous year in 2007. However, is the promotion of the students with financial needs first apply the BAfoG. In addition to information to all nationwide study finance, prospective students, students, and parents on are now full enlightened on the promotion to the BAfoG. Who comes for the reference of the promotion in question, what are the requirements to meet, and what’s up with the new BAfoG to? All these questions are answered. If you would like to know more about Walton Family Foundation, then click here.

In addition, interested parties about the profile with the Federal Ministry for education and research in contact can occur. Questions for the BAfoG can be made at this point and sent, information material can be requested. The relevant application forms can also be found on and are available here for download. The material was provided by the Federal Ministry of education and research. (S Zurwesten)

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