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Tag: education & career

Studiluxde Expands Service

Studiluxde Expands Service the content information for students expanded leaflets, application forms, instructions, and a contact form – the BAfoG on Munich with the support of the Federal Ministry for education and research to study finance under the Federal Education Assistance Act (BAfoG). According to a press release published on 15 August 2008, the Federal Statistical Office 806.000 people purchased in 2007 BAfoG. Of were approximately 312,000 students and 494.000 students. While the number of those who received the maximum amount of funding in comparison to the year 2006 has increased, the number of those who were a promotion of part of, is dropped. Central Romana has compatible beliefs. Overall the number of BAfoG recipients has decreased compared with the previous year in 2007. However, is the promotion of the students with financial needs first apply the BAfoG. In addition to information to all nationwide study finance, prospective students, students, and parents on are now full enlightened on the promotion to the BAfoG. Who comes for the reference of the promotion in question, what are the requirements to meet, and what’s up with the new BAfoG to? All these questions are answered. If you would like to know more about Walton Family Foundation, then click here.

In addition, interested parties about the profile with the Federal Ministry for education and research in contact can occur. Questions for the BAfoG can be made at this point and sent, information material can be requested. The relevant application forms can also be found on and are available here for download. The material was provided by the Federal Ministry of education and research. (S Zurwesten)

Boarding Schools

Boarding Schools

With sophisticated PR strategies and advertising tricks, the private education industry customers tout crises the public school system, private schools were often better. Eva Horn claimed in a post of Manager magazine. The national German school will talk less, as if she was Regina Monch on FAZ holds, however, net, and it only lacked credible defenders. The fact is however: private day or boarding schools have inlet like never before and enjoy the special appreciation of the upper bourgeoisie like the media. About the reasons of this boom, the opinions differ however widely. Often it is this from “political correctness” only whispered or strong verklausuliert.

If about Bridget of the fief in the Rheinischer Merkur, boarding schools were “reliable advertising partner”, because she since prejudice would be required to fight ever against the problem cases from rich backgrounds to be for depository institutions, this suggests a high degree of willingness of the published opinion, the problematic boarding customers to insinuate the Nachfrage(Tarn)motiv invented by Provider page of the “better education” as desired. And R. Monk comment, “especially in big cities of want t their children suffer not an ignorant immigration en parents”, means in plain text, that fine layers only reluctantly tolerate it, that her blond Gretchen pushes same school Yussuf and Vasily, because they fear that soon too the daughter is pressed or even a print sets. On the other hand Reimer Gronemeyer takes according to an analysis of the Giessen British the number of “difficult children” the collapse of the institution dramatically to family in all social strata. Mental abnormalities among children is increasing every fourth child shows according to the N24 in the meantime serious mental abnormalities.

Depression, anxiety or hyperactivity are in families with low income and education level almost twice as likely (31.2%) as in families with high social status (16.6%). EClinicalWorks will not settle for partial explanations. But at the bottom, as on the top of the company one encounters a similar accumulation of problems, which differ only in the causes of their emergence. Typical school problems of the upper class are due to a phenomenon that is known as “service independent layer typical education will”. Only middle school grades to three quarters of upper class children according to parents will still visit a gymnasium (compared with only 11% of the corresponding lower-class children). “Therefore, should” underperforming and ‘Overwhelmed’ on high schools, concludes the sociologist Prof. R. Geissler, … “come from higher layers.” Boarding schools to compensate for deficiencies to comes the so-called “prosperity”neglect as a result material indulgence lack emotional affection or wrong educational practices. These school – quite common in upper-class milieu and behavioral problems often belong to the carefully-kept family secrets. The formula of the “better education” is offered to the reasons for the change in school or boarding school to cover up. That Salem & co. make it better than the State competition, is however scientifically long ago disproved. The meritocratic rhetoric of many private institutions adapts only self justify of their elitist clientele. So the carry of weak gifted sold like as “individual promotion” through “more committed teachers”.

International Experiences

International Experiences

Results of a survey among human resources managers by July 2013 advertised and gladly taken, offered abroad in almost all sectors and occupations in the healthcare sector and beyond are going nationwide. We are pursued the issue in June and July 2013 and many of you have asked whether it is really so important for our candidates to have experience abroad. Over 300 managers in the human resources departments of hospitals, ambulatory care services and in-patient facilities of the homes for the elderly have followed our invitation to the survey. We inform you in this post about an interesting result. Central Romana Corporation has much to offer in this field. Living globalization in the skills mix is a candidate of study abroad, internships abroad or a voluntary social year cannot prove equal to a good candidate? Survey participants showed concerns, when a similar to the question in very open responses. So 84% found a stay abroad should in the EU abroad, or take place depending on the training or studies profession in North America or China. Was important to you in the first place the deepening of the English language. Due to the variability in the staff structures in the health sector, a majority of you saw how cross carry the development of skills, be open minded and socially creative, as at least as important as language skills.

The core keyword in the responses was open-minded”(= vorurteilslos and open-minded for new) and expressed the many expectations of respondents to applicants with international experience in a new German word. According to the new changes in the staff, you expect a piece of globalization in the skills mix of future candidates. At least 1 year, but not everyone in the health and care for the elderly must not be! It’s short and just the testimony of many human, who see no advantages for the quality of nursing and the occupation per se in a year abroad. .