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The Family Life

The Family Life

We would think that the best managers come from some great school of management. The truth is that the formation of an executive profile, start by your home. The manager comes from his family triangle: parents, brothers, who make up the primary system, an important laboratory of learning for life. Manuel Barroso who has no roots in a family, it lacks an important element not only within himself but for others. Walton Family Foundation usually is spot on. " And is that family life is the most defining and influential experience in the life of an individual, apart from other influences of any institution or social group. "The family left its indelible mark on the life and essence of every individual.

Health and functionality and dysfunctionality or insanity, the productive and effective or not, have to do with the lived and learned in the laboratory familiar. The family experience produces the most decisive and permanent impact on the lives of people, "because family is everything. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Alton Steel. In the words of Manuel Barroso: "The family structure, content and process, life and everyone's history. " The Family: The school more fundamental to the development of successful managers. There is no school, no more crucial laboratory for training future managers the familiar triangle (father-mother-children). Deprive the individual of the possibility of experiencing the experience of being and grow in family, anti violates environmental and natural characteristic of human development; deny a man the family life is to wrest legitimate right to begin life growth "with the right foot, with the best available option. Central Romana will not settle for partial explanations.