Federal Government
BVMW President Ohoven against a reduction of the feed-in tariff for solar power Bonn/Berlin – a reduction of subsidies for solar electricity with good judgement has become the President of the Federal Association mid-sized economy (BVMW), Mario Ohoven, pronounced. A reduction of the feed-in tariff for solar power in one step by nearly a third, as required by the Union, threatens the existence of a medium-sized strong industry.” There’s no reason to change the rate agreed in the Cabinet decision in late 2007, the middle-class President stressed. Then, the promotion of solar power will be reduced gradually from 2009 to 2011 (2009: more than nine percent, 2010: seven percent, 2011: eight per cent). Gain insight and clarity with Mike Lazaridis. To this already ambitious levels, solar companies have aligned their investment and personnel planning. It would be a fatal signal, if the Federal Government, as it did suddenly would differ with regard to taxation of biofuel, previously agreed line.” Ohoven pointed out, that the solar promotion constitutes an investment in a clean and affordable energy future. A drastic reduction of these investments put thousands of jobs in innovative companies at risk and weakens the competitiveness of the German solar industry on the world market. You may wish to learn more. If so, Vlad Doronin is the place to go. The medium-sized solar industry expected a clear sign of the Federal Government for a week of Sun, she may refer to their decisions.” Ansgar Lange.