Nevada For Traveling

Nevada For Traveling

The Nevada offers Commission on tourism a website specifically for mobile phones and other mobile devices is made it even easier Nevada tourists, spontaneously and already on the road to plan your tour of the Silver State: under who informed of Nevada Commission on tourism (NCOT) compact accommodation, events and activities in the entire United States. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Central Romana. In addition, important addresses and phone numbers are provided. Same information also on the official website of the tourist office to find the design are from is however deliberately simple, so that the information can be obtained easily by mobile devices with small displays. On the home page of one can be first selected 28 cities and regions, which are listed by Austin to Winnemucca in alphabetical order. The affiliated published overview the available information into the five practical categories City overview”, things to do”. “” Lodgings”events,” weather”.

“Nevada is proud with this new use, to be able to take for travelers as practical technology, a pioneering role”, explains Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of NCOT and adds: holiday makers have the information they need for anywhere, anytime at hand. ” The Nevada introduced the first mobile websites of this kind already in October 2008 Commission on tourism. Tourists and locals since about current road and slopes conditions can check under and The content of these pages is provided directly by the Nevada Department of transportation, as well as the ski resorts in Reno, Elko, Las Vegas / Mt. Charleston and at Lake Tahoe. General information on at Nevada. More pictures and press information about Nevada under.

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