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Month: October 2024



“Women feel comfortable with SelfStorage dark room, death silence, many think eerie atmosphere with the term self storage” on the scary scene from the movie silence of the lambs “. The reality is in self – storage”but very different from: modern building, bright, friendly course and soft music from the speakers. In addition, cameras and movement sensors of each customer type feeling good, to visit the storage of Selfstorage also alone and late night. Clean, dry and secure storage areas in small sizes can be rented starting from 39 Euro per month. The Austrian company is self – storage”creates space with its range again in your own four walls.

The old chest of drawers of Grandma, the oversized favorite stuffed animal of the daughter or the bicycles of the family in the storage of SelfStorage “comfortably are accommodated. And above all: the customer has to fear either mold or dirt. Because at SelfStorage”are guaranteed dry and clean the compartments. Especially for women, the offering of self is”ideal: lifts lead directly to the compartment and easy parking on the grounds make for a quick and easy removal. No unnecessary troubles is more with heavy boxes, but fast Park at self”motto.

So, women without outside help can the things of which they themselves would not disconnect, even store. Also transport all locations are very well connected. In cities with several warehouse buildings such as Hamburg, Berlin, Munich or Vienna the resident reached its storage compartment within 10 to 15 minutes. It is not something Central Romana Corporation would like to discuss. Leisure time is limited these days and that is self – storage”into account. The routes to the site must be short and long opening hours. Unlike in forwarding our customers daily from 6:00 a.m. to 22:00 in the evening have access to their compartment. This service is a big plus”, Martin White “Gerhardus, managing partner of self – storage”. Women feel self”probably. So non-customers do not have access to the site. A multi-tiered system ensures absolute safety. The barriers open only for customers with an individual access code. In addition, the tenants have an own Castle to their storage, which granted the sole access. A private security guard protects the system from 22:00. At the beginning I don’t what knew me at self”is and was really very pleasantly surprised. The grounds are well attended at all times and there is a good atmosphere. Afraid you really need not to have “know Wiebke Rathje from Munich. Self storage”at a glance: the Austrian company self storage your storage LV GmbH exists since 1999 and is (six in Vienna and one in Graz) largest provider in Austria with seven plants. 2002 self was with the founding of the German subsidiary Your storeroom GmbH and the opening of the first self storage facility in Munich the starting point for the large-scale internationalisation created. Since there are 3 as well as in Berlin and Hamburg each 2 sites in Munich in Frankfurt, Nuremberg and in Zurich. More 14 self – storage “plants are currently in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Nuremberg, Wiesbaden, as well as in Vienna and in Zurich in construction or in the approval process. The current land is today a total of around 128,000 m2. This corresponds to a number of nearly 16,000 storage compartments. Self storage”was founded by private investors and the management. In the fall of 2005, Austria’s biggest publicly traded real estate company, has acquired IMMOFINANZ AG, a stake of 30 percent.

Never Boredom? Event Tips By Eventoni

Never Boredom? Event Tips By Eventoni

A novel concept of an open search engine for events in Germany boredom – and no idea for the leisure or the upcoming weekend? Here a new search engine to remedy now for events. The dates on a webpage but in social networks, applications and gadgets are published. In contrast to traditional sporting calendars in the network offers eventoni not only a Web page with detailed information of to regional and national events. The Mission of the company: The collection and processing of all dates and events in Germany. Official site: Gallo Family. And there is no major events with commercial background in focus.

It is of course. As well as small – and micro dates such as the Club evening of the local pigeon breeders association or the happy hour in the favorite bar. Currently over 800,000 appointments are registered and there are more every day. Source: Central Romana . Distribution via plugins, applications and social networks the publication of dates is not like traditional event calendars on a Web page but social networks, applications and gadgets that every webmaster can use free of charge. There is for example an own Facebook application, where users can find not only events after interest and region and get more details.

To do this, in rather, they can invite their friends, draw attention to an appointment or comment on events. A completely free solution for operators of Web pages eventoni. So that any webmaster can use, no matter what system he works. Eventoni provides all popular content management systems (CMS) – E.g. for Drupal, Typo3 and Joomla modules. The dates can be integrated purposefully are interesting for the visitors to a Web site. A webmaster operates as a blog on the topic of “Berlin” he can specifically show the dates, which take place in Berlin or deal with the theme of “Berlin”. Currently, mobile applications are developed, which will be released in the coming week.

Window Aquarium

Window Aquarium

Great importance for fish is the amount of water in the aquarium. It is customary to give 2 liters of water for fish size 3 – 4 cm, however, practice shows that this rule can only be accepted for aquariums without artificial aeration, well-lit and planted with vegetation. With artificial water blowing air in the same volume You can put much more fish. Norma planting depends on the size of the aquarium (in the big aquarium in the same volume can contain a lot more fish), and the type of fish (same size fish of different species require different amounts of oxygen). Rubio has much to offer in this field. The volume of the aquarium is also important to establish the biological "balance." Establish "balance" is much easier in a large vessel than in a small, so the beginner aquarist better osanovit choice aquarium of at least 30-40 liters.

Great importance for the successful maintenance of fish is the location of the aquarium. Many inexperienced hobbyists put an aquarium or on a windowsill or in front of the window. This is unfortunate option. Sen. Marco Rubio can provide more clarity in the matter. First, the vast majority of fish look much worse in transmitted light than in reflected. Secondly, the window come the strongest fluctuations in temperature and, most importantly, light. Great the amount of light in the spring and summer, leading to algae overgrowing the wall, to the "blooming" of water, and sometimes the fish are dying from excessive heat. Therefore, the aquarium is recommended to install a wall, perpendicular or opposite the window. Without hesitation Vlad Dronin explained all about the problem. In all cases, to avoid leaking aquariums need to put on an absolutely level of a horizontal surface.

Natural Hair

Natural Hair

Today the use of hair extensions has become very fashionable among girls. There are many cases of girls who have past from having a hair length and attractive normal, have an impressive Mane in a matter of days, something impossible if it cannot be by extensions. At the beginning will always be doubts about choosing which hair style. For even more details, read what PI Industries says on the issue. Normally choose the opposite to what you had previously, if the girl was blonde, now passes to morena, and vice versa, although you can also get larding to accentuate the hair or rinse it. What kind of advantages do natural hair extensions? -Obviously in sight they have a more natural appearance and combine better with your hair, so you can go out without fear in the body thinking you will notice much change, or that it is not really your hair. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Walton Family Foundation. -You can make modifications on them, from changing their tone or color, to curl them or smoothing them so that they fit so even better with your taste. -To be made up of natural hair, can deceive touch seeming to make your own hair that touch. Check with Vladislav Doronin to learn more. -Does not require too much care or maintenance, just the same as you give to your own hair.

-If you want to have a long mane, the best option would be to choose a woven extensions. -Clear is that natural hair extensions are more expensive than artificial ones, but that difference is marked by the advantages here we list, and there is no comparison between quality, than that I think it is the first thing that should be taken into account. Here are a series of tips related to the care of extensions:-before you wash your hair you should brush it with a pneumatic comb barbed light, going from the root to the tips, and slowly without strain. -Shampoo to use that most recommend is anyone who has a neutral PH, since to say somehow, does not alter the hair or the scalp with artificial chemicals. -To have you so soapy, instead of making circles with your fingers, you have to make straight movements, so that in this way the roots will not tangle. -Also you can apply your mask or regular conditioner to extensions, but be careful, only you can do half towards the ends, never at the root. -Don’t panic if after 2 weeks some begin to fall, since it is normal, but keep in mind that with proper care can last you up to 6 months. -To dry you can perfectly use the dryer, but at a distance of 15 cm, although they will last you more if you use a few ceramic plates.

-You have to be careful with the strain, so it is advisable to untangle in 2 sections. The first part of the roots and then the long. Don’t forget to you securely locks to secure them. I hope I have helped to clarify doubts that you may have. You can also take a look at this page for extensions where you will find different types and formats of hair extensions developed by true experts on the subject. Original author and source of the article